Friday, July 22, 2011

ironically relevant song title

(O)-Hai-(yo) Guys!
That was the name I came up with for my blog but I didn't like it so I went with this one. Thanks for looking at this writing.
Here are some pictures I took with my brother's camera.

This is a fish cleaning station at Emu Point

I am really bad at making blogs.

I am very aware, right now, that this is my last night in Australia. Chances are this won't be the case when you read this.

Here are some friendly Japanese phrases/words:

Ohayo Gozaimasu (Good Morning, I have been told I need to shout this when I enter the staffroom each morning)
Yoroshiku Onegaishimasu (I think this means 'please look favourably upon me in the future' maybe? I'm gonna end every conversation with this)
Hajimemashite (pleased to meet you. i need to find out if it's impolite to say this if you've already met the other person before)

I know how to count to (drum roll please) six!

Thanks for reading. I look forward to having the adventures I will write about on here.

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